Webinar: Innovative Solutions for Food Quality & Security

Focused virtual session for SMEs on
”Innovative Solutions for Food Quality & Security” proposed by FoodPackLab 2

19th February, 2021.
[ Free registration here

FoodPackLab 2 organises a Free Webinar gathering Food Tech Start-up and SMES from all arround Europe.

12 Deep Tech companies will share with us their expertise and dedicated innovative solutions. They cover a huge technology overview.

Agenda (Time am)


10:00-10:10: Welcoming introduction, by FoodPackLab 2 : Gawel Walczak
12 SMEs presentations + Q&A sessions  


10:10-10:20: Matthieu Hug | TILKAL
Blockchain, Data Intelligence, traceability and transparency.

10:20-10:30: Laurent Wouters | Cénotélie
Agricolio offers farmers a dedicated solution allowing the traceability of farming practices

10:30-10:40: Piet De Vriendt | Kezzler
Serialization, a powerful tool towards food safety

10:40-10:50: Arnaud Muller | NEMIS
Innovative Solution for Food Safety - NEMIS Technology : Take back control in fight against the invisible enemy

10:50-11:00: Ivan Nieto | Nulab

Roman Llagostera Pujol | Troposferica

11:10-11:20: Paolo Tondello
| FT Sysrtem S.r.l
Hyperspectral imaging, gas spectroscopy for inline quality control and traceability for food safety
11:20-11:30: Samuel Poulain | Le verre Fluoré
Photonics solutions for food storage monitoring

Alessio Adamiano | Recover Ingredients
Smart and sustainable phosphorous fertilizers from circular economy
Francesc Gilbert & Oscar Marés | Aranow
The newest machinery for the food and security sector
11:50-12:00: Lluis Riba | CartService
Solutions of security and sustanable Packaging

12:00-12:10: Pol Barceló | TAI Smart Factory
How QPlant helps production. Safety and Quality

End of session


Please sign up here: https://www.weezevent.com/webinar-innovative-solutions-for-food-quality-security

Technical requirements to attend the webinar

We will use the Cisco Webex platform that is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. You can use browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. You can also attend the webinar through mobile devices using the free Webex apps for iOS and Android.

Connexion link will be sent the day before the webinar.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


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