Strategic Partnership with innovation food cluster Vitagora

As result of the third international FoodPackLab event in Paris, the consortium has established a strategic partnership with the French food innovation cluster Vitagora.  The final event was a full success thanks to the inter-cluster collaboration between the consortium member Systematic Paris-Region and Vitagora.

Since its beginnings in 2005, VITAGORA’s team has successfully built a network of industry professionals: around 550 members among which more than half are SMEs and 83 are international organisations. Vitagora is a cluster organisation focused on fostering growth of the food industry addressing markets in France and globally. Vitagora’s members work together in order to produce a tasty, healthy, and sustainable food product and service offer, driven by the strengthening demands of today’s consumers, ever more concerned by food security and the impact of food on their wellbeing. Herein lies Vitagora’s strength – the ability to anticipate and extract actionable insights from the converging trends of taste, health and the environment – the key components of consumer wellbeing through food.

Vitagora is convinced that cross-border business or research collaborations are of strategic importance for promoting advances in knowledge and business development for its SMEs. For that reason, Vitagora works hard to build long-term, win-win partnerships with clusters and other international players: b2b matchmaking, R&D expert searches, European project partner opportunities, sharing of clustering best practices and insights. Vitagora has already carried out international activities across 33 countries, hosted over 100 foreign delegations, and organized 79 international missions.

Thus, the strategic partnership with Vitagora is of essential importance in the partnership building strategy of FoodPackLab.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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