Sodiaal Challenge!

Here is a new challenge proposed by the partners of FoodPack Lab.

Sodiaal is France’s largest dairy cooperative with brands such as Candia, Entremont, Régilait and Yoplait which are known all over the world.

Sodiaal has four activities : Yoplait (fresh dairy products), Candia (drinking milk), Riches Monts (cheese) and Sodiaal Industrie (industrial products and milk ingredients).

Sodiaal would like to reduce the use of fossil materials by favoring materials of renewable origin. Sodiaal is looking for materials that do not compete with human food and that are managed in a sustainable way. They must be able to be integrated into a recycling channel.

Technological constraints: Light barrier packaging, water vapor barrier and oxygen barrier for certain products.

To participate in this challenge, please contact


This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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