secpho received the ESCP-4i label for the partnership FoodPackLab

On 8th of March, 2016 the ESCP-4i launch event took place in Brussels, Belgium.

There were 24 “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International” selected by the European Commission as a result of the COSME call “Cluster Go International” (COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03). One of the awardees was the consortium FoodPackLab coordinated by secpho.

FoodPackLab is a European Strategic Cluster Partnership initiated in early 2013 by secpho in order to facilitate the international collaboration between the EU clusters to create innovation in the Food Packaging area with help of Key Enabling Technologies, in particular, photonics. The partnership is comprised by five leading European clusters: two from the food sector (Food Processing Innitiative and foodRegio from Germany), one packaging technology cluster (Packaging Cluster, Catalonia, Spain) and two photonics clusters (Optitec from south of France and secpho from Spain).


In order to better understand the beginning of the FoodPackLab initiative, have a look at the first partnership website, that was created in 2016:  

Please find additional pictures of the event below:

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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