Photonics technologies are revolutionizing the food industry

Have a look at our introduction video about the FoodBackLab programme in order to understand how photonics technologies revolutionanize the food industry by addressing food processing and packaging challenges of companies.

Are you facing any challenges in the food industry, but still have difficulties in imagining how this might work? Then join our innovation workshops starting in Hannover on the 29th of January, followed by the upcoming events in Paris (spring 2019) and Barcelona (october 2019)The goal of these workshops is to foster collaborative projects at an international level, addressing food processing and packaging challenges and finding technological innovation interests of companies. Together with our international partners, we will connect clusters, companies and R&D centres from Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Italy and Spain, working in the food, packaging and photonics sectors.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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