New packaging success story to discover: IVSILA’s usecase!

How can DeepTech and Photonics help to optimize production chains in the food industry? 
Discover the IVSILA success story, from OptoPartner!

Minimize food wastage and maximize profitability:

IVSILA, the Intelligent Vision System for In-Line Analysis of baked product is an innovative project funded by EIT Digital and the European Union. It gathers partners from France and Hungary to respond to the societal issue of food wastage during the production phase in a profitable manner.

IVSILA provides a solution to both the problem of food waste at the industrial level and the problem of efficiency of food production lines.
Thanks to an intelligent vision system coupled to the production line, IVSILA visually inspects production in real time for companies in the food industry. Defective products are reported to the production line’s information system, allowing the sorting of defective products and the correction in real time of the production. 

As 53% of food waste occurs during the production phase, IVSILA can bring real change through digital transformation, thus contributing to solve this major societal and economic issue.

Competitive Advantages

– Near immediate profitability
– Information for the decision-makers, experts and operators
– Versatile and adaptable
– Multi-sensors capability

Target Markets

– Bakery and snack industries
– Large companies
– As well as SMEs
– France, Hungary and other EU countries first
– Then going global

Leveraged Technologies:

– Computer vision
– Multi-sensor capability: humidity, temperature…
– Simple and complex evaluation
– Artificial intelligence
– Data analysis and data visualization


For more information, please contact:

Julius Lawson Daku from OPTOPARTNER,

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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