
Umami Area

Staff: 30


Domain: Food Processing

30 partners from Honduras, Italy and Germany running a coffee plantation.

Scope: Our PPP-project shall demonstrate and prove that a specialty coffee production can be sustainable from an entrepreneurial, financial, social, enviromental and engagement of the local community point of view.PPP (Public Private Partnership) Project of a group of international shareholders that created a fully operational ecological/economical/biodiverse/sustainable demonstration model in Honduras to be utilized as best practice for other coffee farmers and coffee professionals.
– Operates the Specialty-Coffee plantation “Finca Rio Colorado” (ca. 40 hectares, altitude 1,100 – 1,300 m)
– Will start the new Specialty-Coffee plantation “Finca El Mirador” (ca. 19 hectares, altitude 1,500 – 1,800 m; currently used as pasture)
Close cooperation with the local community and cooperativa (Cafetalera Capucas Ltd.,

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Country: Germany

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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