


Technology: Sensors, Lasers, Advanced Lighting, 3D Printing

Domain: Photonics, Food Packaging

Samtack, SL, founded in 1988 and headquartered in Esparreguera (Barcelona), is a manufacturer of sealants for the industry of metal packaging and adhesives, as well hot melt as water based adhesives, specialized in graphic arts and packaging industries and in the production of tailor made adhesives. Export level is currently 45% of its turnover. The design and development of new adhesives and innovation is the most important activities of Samtack, which is technically engaged 35% of its staff.

Between 2007 and 2010 he participated in the “Migesives” European project to develop new methods to determine the migration of chemicals from adhesives to food through their packaging and functional barriers influence of this migration. Also currently she is working with Spanish universities for the development of their innovation projects. As a result of this activity, Samtack has developed water-based adhesives for flexible food packaging sector with minimal levels of migration and poly-functional adhesives for active and smart packaging

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Country: Spain

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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