
Packaging Cluster

Staff: 0


Domain: Food Packaging

The Packaging Cluster is a Catalan organization founded in 2012 and focused in the whole value chain of the packaging sector. Up today, it gathers 73 members, which work in different sectors such AgroFood, Cosmetic and Perfumery and Pharmacy, among others. The mission of the cluster is to increase the competitiveness of the sector to national and international levels. Looking for strategic challenges in Group and running actions consistent with the strategy. Our members and their expertise and competitiveness in the Packaging field showed us that the synergies and thus, the future potential projects, are infinite.

We are a very dynamic cluster with a lot of initiative and big ideas to make synergies with other sectors and countries. Only in 2018 we realized a total of 66 activities (projects, seminars, missions, events, formations…) in which 91,5% of our members participated at least in one activity. Also in 2016 the cluster has been positioned like the second Catalan cluster with more funds and projects from the Catalan and Spanish Government.




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Country: Spain
Phone: Tel. (+34) 93 788 23 00

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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