
Cluster FEMAC

Staff: 20


Domain: Food Processing

FEMAC, the Cluster of Agricultural Production Means in Catalonia, takes up the challenge to contribute to more sustainable global agriculture. This will help to create a more competitive environment and future for companies and institutions that comprise the cluster, through Innovation, Internationalisation and Cooperation.

Agriculture in the 21st century faces multiple challenges: it has to produce more food and fiber to feed a growing population with a smaller rural labour force, more feedstocks for a potentially huge bioenergy market,adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods and adapt to climate change. After more than one decade, FEMAC has decided to integrate a Smart Specialization Strategy in the Cluster to better respond to complex Agricultural development challenges through the following approaches:

  • Rejuvenating the agricultural production means sector through higher value-added activities and new market niches.
  • Modernizing by adopting and disseminating new technologies (KETs) like photonics, electronics and GIS & GPS.
  • Developing new economic activities through radical technological change and breakthrough innovations; and
  • Exploiting new forms of innovation such as open and user-led innovation, social innovation and service innovation.

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Country: Spain
Phone: +34 973 224 921

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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