FoodPackLab activities outcomes

After our successful brokerage and matchmaking events last year, the FoodPackLab partners have asked all participants about their feedback on the impact of our project activities. It is our pleasure to share some of the FoodPackLab strand I key results with you:

Number of cluster organisations and business networks from different COSME participating countries having benefited from the supported actions


Consortium clusters’ SMEs and R&D Centres involved in FoodPackLab events


Number of SMEs having directly or indirectly benefited from the supported actions, resulting in cooperation projects


Number of food packaging big innovation challenges identified


Collaborations between consortium clusters’ members established



These key results show that the FoodPackLab partners reached their aim to foster cross-sectorial collaboration between the food, packaging and photonics sectors. 

Click here to see the recent funding opportunities that might help to make your collaboration plans come to life.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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