FoodPackLab 2 and WaveJobs offer a free photonic jobslot

FoodPackLab 2 supports you in recruiting new talents and offers you a free slot on WaveJobs!
We are pleased sharing with you WaveJobs offer, discover all about it:

Nowadays, photonic is just as important as Electronics was in the 20th century.
However, we are observing photonics-related companies struggling to find the right skills on the labour market.
On the flip side, we see skilled photonics people struggling to find career opportunities.

WaveJobs is to leverage on the experience of other industries where job searching and finding the right talent is eased thanks to streamlined descriptions containing the desired level of details, using standard phrases for skills etc.
With clear payment model for the elastic JobSlot, which allows you to reuse the place for the job advertisement, you can quickly find the right candidates.
More about WaveJobs

If you are a photonic company looking for new talents, FoodPackLab 2 can offer you a free Jobslot on WaveJobs.
Do not hesitate to contact to benefit a free slot!

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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