First Consortium Meeting of Photonics – Packaging Partnership for Food Innovation

On 20th of March, 2014 secpho organised the first Photonics – Packaging Partnership for Food Innovation (3P4I) consortium meeting in Berlin, Germany. The initiative, coordinated by secpho, was launched by 5 European clusters from photonics, packaging and food industry under the European Strategic Clusters Partnerships (ESCP) program.

The consortium committee consisted of the following cluster delegates: Vaclovas Radvilas (secpho), Sergio Saez (secpho), Marie Lhoutellier (OPTITEC), Karolina Miler (foodRegio), Norbert Reichl (Food Processing Innitiative) and Anna Repolles (Packaging cluster).

During the first partner face-to-face meeting project partners briefly presented their organisations, reviewed and analysed the coming COSME program for future ESCP funding and planned the preparatory steps and preferences for consortium activities in future.

The meeting was a big success as all the committee members were motivated to continue developing a strategy of cross-sectorial cluster collaboration and help consortium SMEs to receive new opportunities in unscreened markets and photonics applications.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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