Call for applications: Internationalization missions of the FoodPackLab 2 project!

The FoodPackLab 2 consortium is organizing 2 internationalization missions:     

NAMPO Harvest Day, Bothaville, South Africa – 16-20 May 2022    

Inter FoodTech, Mumbai, India – 9-11 June 2022 

These missions are unique opportunities for Agriculture, AgriTech, Food Processing and Packaging SMEs to join and discover the Indian and South African ecosystems.

The project aims at fostering cross-border, cross-sectorial collaboration and business networks in the strategic fields and domains of the smart food chain. The two identified fairs will allow SMEs to achieve these goals, and to meet interesting players of the industry. 

Furthermore, the consortium offers a financial support of 2000€ to the missions’ SMEs, to facilitate their participation.    

To find out if you can qualify for the missions, please consult this document which states the selection criteria.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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