FoodPackLab 2 online mission to South Africa and India

On  23 May, the Food Pack Lab2 consortium and the EU Chamber of Commerce & Industry Southern Africa co-organize a Matchmaking B to B day dedicated to Agriculture, AgriTech, Foodprocessing and Packaging. 

What is the plan?
The morning will focus on Precision Agriculture offering SMEs an opportunity to pitch and meet together afterwards.

The afternoon will focus on Food Processing, likewise SMEs will be offered an opportunity to pitch and network afterwards.

Register here!

Agenda overview
Morning session: precision agriculture
[from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm CET]

09:00 -10:00 am Pitching session – 1 Farm automation

➡️ Hadar Ayxandri, EBREDRONE, “Fumigation drones: How to take advantage of them to optimize treatments on our crops”

➡️ Filippo Vurro, Biroistor IMEM-CNR, “Bioristor: give plants a voice.”

➡️ Daniele Evangelista, Flexsight, “Context Aware Positioning and Localization System for Precise Agriculture”

10:00 -10:45 am B2B 1

10:45 -11:45 am Pitching session 2 – Smart farming

➡️ Daniel Kumpel, IOVI, “Intelligent machine vision to digitize the field”

➡️ Enrique Sotomayor, Kolokium, “Blockchain: Farm Industry Trusted Driven”

➡️ Beniamino Gioli, CNR IBE, “Technologies for a digital and sustainable agriculture – robotics & crops”

➡️ Maciej Grajewski, SG Papertronics, “Lab-in-box for precision agriculture”

➡️ Monica Vatteroni, Eye-Tech, “EYE-TECH Adaptive EYE: enabling safer and more reliable solutions in smart farming”

➡️ Claudio Salvadori, New Generation Sensors, “TackOne, the IoT solution for smart Logistics”

11:45 -12:30 pm B2B 2
12:30 -1:00 pm Break

Afternoon session: food processing
[from 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm CET]

1:00 – 1:50 pm  Pitching session 1 – Pathogens detection for food

➡️ Thavan Naidoo, Tpro Food Consulting, “Rapid microbiological testing: what we need in the certification process”

➡️ Serena Laschi, Ecobioservices and Researches Srl,  “BioPARD: The innovative portable analyzer for fast detection of pesticides in food.”

➡️ Daniel Kumpel. IOVI, “Inescube, the eye that sees the chemistry of fresh foods”

1:50 – 2:20 pm  B2B 1

2:20 – 3:10 pm  Pitching session 2 – Sustainable packaging

➡️ Nidhin Kodakkaran, Indian Institue of Millets Research (IIMR) , “Pathogens detection for food”

➡️ Xander Shapiro, Akorn Technology, “Eliminate Plastic Packaging with Akorn Sustainable Coatings”

➡️ Carlo GiovannucciEl.En. Group: lasers for food, “Laser technology for food labelling: sustainability and flexibility”

➡️ Jordi Saldo, UAB, “How to get rid of pests in grains? Differential dielectric heating as a tool for insects’ removal”

➡️ Elena Ozzelo, Trustech, “Elichip, a new Point of Care method for food safety”

➡️ Ivan Nieto, Nulab, “LAB to sample”

3:10 – 3:40 pm  B2B 2

3:40 – 4:30 pm  Pitching session 3 – Food safety and quality monitoring

➡️ Iker García, AOTECH, “AONIR Platform: Dairy and bakery applications”

➡️ Bruno Garavelli, XnextS.p.A, “Xspectra the most advanced food safety inspection system”

➡️ Iratxe Perales, Sonicat Systems, “The first low-cost microscope that performs automated quality analysis with computer vision and artificial intelligence”

➡️ Julius Lawson Daku, OptoPartner,  “IVSILA the Intelligent Vision System for In-Line Analysis of baked product”

➡️ Alessio Adamiano, Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramic Materials – CNR, “Recover Ingredients – Green chemicals from food by-products”


4:30 – 5 pm  B2B 3


This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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