About us

Huge amounts of food are wasted every year in Europe along the food value chain. A study published by the European Commission estimates the annual food waste generation in the 27 EU Member States at approximately 88 million tons. It is predicted, that by 2020 the good, edible food amounts that will be wasted will increase by 40%.

FoodPackLab 2 promotes the collaboration between food processing, packaging and deep tech innovation clusters in the EU in order to identify and develop solutions to problems arising during the food processing and packaging stage that limit the food shelf life before being thrown out. FoodPackLab 2 actions will result in the improvement of life quality and safety of EU citizens’ as well as affect positively the EU economy by saving its resources and stimulating the employment generation, aiming to gain a leading role in the food packaging and safety sector worldwide.


FoodPackLab 2: Innovation in Food Security - Internationalization Support for European SMEs in India & South Africa. The project FoodPackLab 2 aims to at fostering cross-border and cross-sectorial collaboration of clusters and business networks in the strategic field of smart food chain. It connects clusters from four different sectors (agriculture, food processing, packaging and deep tech) and 5 European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy and Spain) in order to support European SMEs to access new global value chains and ensure their position as global leaders of innovation in targeted industries.

Packaging technology

The strength of FoodPackLab 2 is its deep specialization and knowledge in packaging and Deep Tech technologies thanks to its consortium members that collaborate in order to reach the initial aim of the FoodPackLab 2 actions – link together all actors of the sector and to boost their development by highlighting complementarities between existing economic activities and creating a bridge between Europe, India and South Africa.


FoodPackLab 2 aims at fostering the collaboration between food processing, packaging and Deep Tech innovation clusters in the EU. Check out the involved clusters here.


FoodPackLab 2 encourages collaborative projects at an international level, addressing food processing and packaging challenges and finding technological innovation interests of companies. Check out the involved companies here.

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


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