On the 28th June, the FoodPackLab 2 consortium members got together for the final event to attend different conferences in the morning and an afternoon of B2B meetings.
The event, organized by Vitagora, in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network was held in the Village CA, part of the Cité de la Gastronomie of Dijon.
To answer the need of innovative solutions for food security across the value chain, the conferences were as follows:
Introduction with Helene Diane Dage of the European Commission. She shared her views on facilitating the shift towards a more sustainable agrifood ecosystem and enhanced food security: the actions made by the European Commission.
Laurent Volle and Anders Skeem of Enterprise Europe Network shared the EEN purpose and objectives, one of the world’s largest support network for SMEs with importation international ambitions for future.
Spyros Kellidis of Enterprise Europe Network, presented the agri-food sector group, which is the largest group in the EEN Network.
Presentation of the project: Objectives, results, lessons learned and good practices. With Gawel Walczak of Secpho
▶️ Watch the replay of the introduction speeches:
Samantha Gadenne shared information on EIT Food network she shared some objectives towards innovation in Agri-food and foodtech. EIT food’s objectives are to educate to engage in food innovation, and catalyze food entrepreneurship and innovation.
“R&D innovation at the service of a sustainable food value chain”. Dr Thomas Karbowiak, of the Burgundy University made an insightful presentation on the development of food packaging and all regulations around it.
Ann Vermeulen of Pack4Food shared her views & data of food packaging, highlighting food waste & food loss. She explained how packaging innovation could be a solution for food safety!
Cloé Morel shared tetrapak’s solutions to answer the challenges of reducing water & energy consumption, make the food system, safe and sustainable from food processing to food packaging
Roundtable: Indian and South Africa/ Opportunities, challenges for agri-food sector (technologies/ beyond COVID 19) with Hemang Tanna and Saul Pretel, of Catalonia Trade & Investment. Packaing is an issue as well in India as South Africa, both of the speakers shared their views on the food safety subject, remotely.
▶️Watch the replay of the conferences:
Four SMEs pitched their innovative idea to reduce the use of fossil material, therefore answering the SODIAAL Challenge relayed by FoodPackLab 2: A. Kyvik presented http://bzeos.com, N. Berezina presented http://norbite.eu, L. Heyner presented http://craftingfuture.de and D. Vance presented http://reco2bio.eu .
▶️ Watch the replay of the pitches for the SODIAAL Challenge:
The afternoon was dedicated to B2B Meetings, some meetings were fully online, some of them online. This allos for SMEs to expand their network in the packaging & food industry.