Deep Tech-packaging partnerships for food innovation and security

The project FoodPackLab 2 aims at fostering cross-border and cross-sectorial collaboration of clusters and business networks in the strategic field of smart food chain. It connects clusters from four different sectors (agriculture, food processing, packaging and deep tech) and 5 European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy and Spain) in order to support European SMEs to access new global value chains and ensure their position as global leaders of innovation in targeted industries.

It uses one of the most disruptive new technologies (deep tech) to combat challenges in one of the most strategic sectors (food industry). It is not only about the new-tech for European economic development. It is about securing the future with sustainable and responsible industries.

About FoodPackLab 2

Light for food

FoodPackLab 2 project, funded by the European Commission COSME programme, arises from strategic consortium of FoodPackLab strand 1.
The FoodPackLab 2 framework for cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration, initiated with FoodPackLab, will be further developed through the organisation of FPL 2 webinar series, fact-finding missions, internationalisation missions for European SMEs to India ans South Africa and follow up activities. It will result in new business projects between SMEs beneficiating from project´s activities, as well new collaborations between the Partnership and international actors.
The Partnership will also elaborate exit strategy to ensure the sustainability of project outcomes and continuity of work after the project´s end.


Photonics for food

Photonics is recognized by the European Commission as one of the six Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). Together with micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, and advanced manufacturing technologies it creates basis for innovation, leading to sustainable economy. Photonics provides solutions applicable in many different industries, including food, enhancing safety and quality of processes and products.


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This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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